
How To Use The Total Body Enhancement At Planet Fitness

How to use the total body enhancement at Planet Fitness

I think you are wondering to know the answer.

Aren’t you?

I also don’t have much idea about that. That’s why I decided to learn the process and I started to research about it.

So, let’s share with you what I found about this after researching 2-3 days.

Every fitness enthusiast and gym-goer wants to keep their total body fit.

Total body enhancement is a way that will provide you a full body workout with the help of red light therapy and vibration therapy. 

Total body enhancement machine will improve your overall health and wellness in an effective way.

Also, it will strengthen and tone your body, soothe sore muscles.

Learn How to use the total body enhancement at planet fitness

The name of the total body enhancement machine is Beauty Angel RVT 30. This machine’s process is not so hard. You just need 12 minutes to complete the process.

Let’s learn the process step by step:

First Step: Before entering the machine you need to remove all clothes, shoes, and jewelry. 

Second Step: Now enter the machine and stand on the vibration platform. Don’t forget to hold the side handles tightly.

Third Step: You can adjust the height of handles as you want. It will make you more comfortable and secure.

Fourth Step: Now you will see the settings. You have to choose one that is suitable for your goals and preferences.

Final Step: Now click on the start button and stay here until your 12 minute treatment is complete.

Safety Precautions Of Total Body Enhancement Machine:

Though the total body enhancement machine is safe, you should take some precautions to avoid unnecessary risks. 

Precautions number 1: 

Avoid total body enhancement machines if you have any medical implants that can be affected by the vibration. For example- due to pregnancy, if you have a pacemaker etc.

Precautions number 2:

If you have any metal implants in your body then don’t use this machine.

Precautions number 3: 

Don’t try to step out your head, hands, and feet of the machine during the entire treatment.

Precautions number 4:

Planet Fitness will provide you with guidelines and instructions. Don’t forget to follow them.


How to use the total body enhancement at Planet Fitness

I hope you have got the answer to this question.

Haven’t you? 

I tried my best to write the full process of using the total body enhancement machine through this article.

Anyway if you still have any confusion about this then feel free to contact us through the comments box below.

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