
How To Cancel Planet Fitness Membership Online

How to cancel Planet Fitness membership online?

It’s true that the process of membership cancellation in Planet Fitness is a little hard as they don’t allow you to cancel your membership by phone or online.

You must have to visit your gym in person or write a letter to request cancellation.

It seems to be hard but actually if you take it easy then it will be normal for you.

Every business has its own policies so, Planet Fitness also has some policies and procedures.

So, you must have to follow them. They make these rules just because of reducing fake cancellations and making sure the identity of the membership. 

Also, they can learn about the reason behind the cancellation request of every member by this process.

How to cancel Planet Fitness membership online

With more than 15 million members Planet Fitness is a very famous chain of fitness centers. 

But when it comes to canceling membership plans we found that the franchise of Planet Fitness has not embraced modern customer service practices yet.

In this modern world, we all want to manage our account online.

Planet Fitness don’t allow this

You have to visit your home club and speak to a representative at the front desk to close your account. 

You have to tell them the reason for canceling membership. They will give you a request form. You have to fill it up and submit it to them.

Another way is to send a written letter via the postal service. 

You can write a letter explaining your intent to cancel your membership vaia mail.

Includes your name, address, phone number, and Planet ID membership number with the written letter. 

Then address it to your home club.

Then send it via a certified mail that is recommended by Planet Fitness. 

Then make sure to follow up with the club to know that your application was received,  approved and processed. 

That’s it.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Que: How can I downgrade my Planet Fitness membership?

Ans: You can downgrade your membership without canceling it. 

But you must have to visit your home club. 

Speak to the representative at the front desk about your account.  

They will give you suggestions about it.

Que: How to upgrade your Planet Fitness membership?

Ans: It’s good news that you can upgrade your account online. 

Wow! That’s really great.

You have to open the Upgrade webpage in a browser and then follow the instructions given there.

A Key Tag number will be required to complete the process. Planet Fionline?

provides a Key Tag to every member.

If you want to do this in person visit then contact at the front desk.


How to cancel Planet Fitness membership online?

I have written a detailed process of canceling membership to Planet Fitness. 

I hope you understand the process now.

There are only two ways to do this. You can visit the home club in person otherwise write a letter to them.

However, hopefully, now you have no more confusion about the process. 

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